This powerful love story, set on a South Pacific island during World War ll, is brought thrillingly to life in an epic new five-star production directed by Chichester Festival Theatre’s Artistic Director Daniel Evans (Me and My Girl and Fiddler on the Roof). With a sensational cast of over thirty and a full orchestra, this ravishing musical is set to be the must-see theatrical event of the year.
Boasting one of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s most memorable scores, this much-loved Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical features songs such as Some Enchanted Evening, I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair and Bali Ha’i.
Jamie Wilson, Jonathan Church Theatre Productions, and Gavin Kalin
The Chichester Festival Theatre production of
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Book by Oscar Hammerstein II and Joshua Logan
Adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Tales of the South Pacific by James A. Michener