Go on a thrilling adventure through the streets of Victorian Cardiff with our breath-taking, song filled new production of Charles Dickens’ classic yuletide story A Christmas Carol. A new version of Gary Owen’s adaptation of this much-loved classic is brought to life with magical puppets, set and costumes. Joe Murphy’s spectacular new production features an original score performed by an exceptional cast of actor musicians including the return of familiar faces Hannah McPake (Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland) as Scrooge and Keiron Self (Alice in Wonderland, The Wind in the Willows, The Borrowers) as well as talent fresh to our stage. A family favourite perfect for audiences aged 7 and over.
Ewch ar antur gwefreiddiol trwy strydoedd Caerdydd yn Oes Fictoria gyda’n cynhyrchiad chwilfrydig, llawn cân o stori Nadolig adnabyddus Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. Daw fersiwn newydd o addasiad Gary Owen o’r store y’i cerir yn fyw gyda phypedau, set a gwisgoedd hudol. Mae cynhyrchiad newydd trawiadol Joe Murphy yn cynnwys sgôr wreiddiol wedi’i pherfformio gan gast o actor gerddorion eithriadol gan gynnwys wynebau cyfarwydd megis Hannah McPake (Queen of Hearts yn Alice in Wonderland) yn than Scrooge a Keiron Self (Alice in Wonderland, Wind in the Willows, The Borrowers) yn ogystal â thalent sy’n newydd i’n llwyfan. Ffefryn teuluol sy’n berffaith i’r rheiny dros 7 mlwydd oed.