Best Cadw Sites to visit
Cadw are responisble for looking after and ensuring the general upkeep of sites of historical importance in Wales. Via Cadw, you can visit some of the countries oldest and most interesting historical sites. There are loads all across Wales, with a staggering 122 different sites you can visit Cadw and never get bored. Here are some of our favourite ones to visit.
Bronllys Castle

Dating back to as early as the 11th Century, originally built as a motte and bailey castle. There is little that remains of the castle other than it’s singular suriving stone tower, which you can still climb, once you reach the 3rd level you should be able to see why the site was of strategic importance with it’s far-reaching views and it’s location in contested border territory. Throughout history this castle changed hands between Welsh and English many times.
Caerleon Roman Fortress and Baths

Explore a real ancient Roman natatio, also known as, an open air swimming pool. This pool once held 80,000 gallons of water where Roman legionairies would be able to splash about and have a soak inbetween fighting in skirmishes. Also at the Caerleon Roman Fortress and Baths is the only viewable Roman armory in Europe, also, Caerleon is home to the most complete Roman ampitheatre in Britain.
Llanthony Priory

Remote and locked away, Llanthony Priory located at the bottom of the black mountains still radiates a spirit of isolation and contemplation as is fitting given the priory of Canon Regular where residents here for a good many years. Given 900 years have passed since it’s construction, you can still see how impressive it was and why it was one of Wales’ great medieval buildings.
Neath Abbey and Gatehouse

Similar to Llanthony Priory, Neath Abbey is another one of Wales’ most important and impressive Medieval buildings. Founded in 1130, it was home to over 50 monks by the late 13th century it was one of Wales’ wealthiest abbeys. Later in it’s lifetime, the abbey was threatened by the impending Industrial Revolution with a ironworks opening up as it’s next door neighbour and the abbey itself being used as a copper smelting plant with furnaces, workshops and dwellings. Luckily, the abbey surived this testing period.
The Cadw membership allows youa access to these four sites and 118 more across Wales all year round whenever the sites are open. See below for more info regarding the Cadw Membership.