Role Play Lane is a role play centre for young children aged from walking to approximately 8 years old and its aim is to encourage parent-child and child-child communication through meaningful play and lots of fun! Role Play Lane is devoted to the physical, emotional and social development of children, inspiring them to explore environments they are familiar with, play creatively and develop their imaginations in a safe and welcoming environment.
Created by a mum of two young boys who is also an educational professional, the role play site consists of a series of themed rooms, each one acting as a role play area set-up to give children the experience of real world scenarios such as a shop, a café, a construction site, doctors and other similar vocational buildings. The rooms are set up to allow the children to explore, use their imaginations and develop language and social skills as they play with others. There is also a café where parents and children can purchase drinks and food during and after their sessions.