A magical land of power and influence for more than 2,000 years. Dinefwr is an iconic place in the history of Wales. Two forts are evidence of a dominant Roman presence. The powerful Lord Rhys held court at Dinefwr and influenced decisions in Wales.
Standing proudly at the heart of the estate is Newton House, a family home for over three hundred years to the descendants of Lord Rhys, the powerful Prince of the Welsh Kingdom of the Deheubarth.
The visionaries, George and Cecil Rice designed the superb 18th-century landscape, which is protected as a parkland National Nature Reserve, from flower-rich meadows to dense ancient woodland, it’s all here for you to discover.
“If you take a handful of the soil of Dinefwr and squeeze it in your hand, the juice that will flow from your hands is the essence of Wales” Wynford Vaughan Thomas
Also onsite is Dinefwr Castle which is managed by CADW (see website) and owned by the Wildlife Trust.